About Us
Our mantra: We Wear it on Our Shirt!
The Players 4 Tee's line was developed in association of The Players children's book series. The book project was created and written by author Sunn Byrd. The characters were designed to encourage, empower, teach good sportsmanship, stand up and speak out, and be up-lifting. Byrd's ultimate goal was to develop a product line that consumers would be inspired by and proud to wear. The bullying line was developed to be an in your face product displaying anti-bullying.
Now with social media being one of the number one ways in which our youth communicate, it is important to find as many outlet to decrease the threat of bullying. So many of our youth have and will contemplate suicide due to being victims of bullying. We are in hopes that our line will aid in the visual effect of our young people being reminded to do better and be better to others. We wear it on our shirt!
Our newest addition to the product line is our exclusive Check Me, Working to be Cancer Free line. The line was developed to remind all women how imperative it is to consistently do selfcare. Many woman spend so much time taking care of everyone else that they tend to forget about their own daily care.
Author Sunn Byrd came up with the design in 2019 after receiving a call from her Doctor a few days later after having her own mammogram done. She was informed by her Dr. that they may have seen something in her images and she needed to have a second mammogram done. "Throughout the process of going back to have the second images done and the waiting time for the result was tremendously unnerving," she said. "It posed to be one of the scariest moments of my life." stated Byrd. Grateful to announce Byrd's report came back normal. "God is good!" She praised.
It is so important for all women to continuously do self care. Including daily self-breast examinations on themselves and getting an annual mammogram is a key factor in being breast cancer free. Our mantra: We Wear it on Our Shirt! This is a reminder of how important it is to be checked. Byrd states "by doing my self breast examinations and having my annual mammogram done, I am working to be cancer free!"